
“The world’s most powerful facility, registration and membership management software makes it easier to run your organization better than ever before.” Integrates with Activity Finder. Also “Active Network”. ACTIVENet.
Activity Finder
A major component of the distribution which allows users to search Y programs with an interactive interface. Integrates with Daxko, ActiveNet, or Personify. Frontend built with Vue.js. Code at YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny_activity_finder.
“A powerful and flexible recreation and facility management platform running on the world’s leading CRM solution” (Salesforce). Used by some Canadian YMCAs to integrate with Activity Finder and Group Exercise. Avocado.
A Drupal data structure that contains a reusable set of content and can be placed on a page using the Block Layout or Layout Builder. Blocks.
The official font of YMCA-USA. See Fonts.
The newest and most widely used of the distribution themes. “Carnation offers image-rich page layouts and simple, mobile-optimized menus.” See Sandboxes.
Content type
An item of content data with shared fields, like an image, text, and address. Content types have different purposes (Branch, Event, Landing Page) and are displayed in different ways on the site. See the Drupal User Guide and Content Types in the distribution.
A service provider offering member management, facility management, and more. Integrates with most features of the distribution that have integrations. Daxko.
Full copies of Drupal that include Drupal Core, along with additional software such as themes, modules, libraries, and installation profiles. Used here to refer to the YMCA Website Services distribution. Drupal Distributions.
The Content Management System that powers the distribution. Drupal.
A service provider offering cloud-connected equipment and services to YMCAs. See EGYM.
Five Jars
A partner agency that works on the distribution and provides services directly to YMCAs. Also “5J”. Five Jars.
GroupEx Pro
A group-exercise management platform. Integrates with the Group Schedules feature. Acquired by Daxko in 2019. GroupEx PRO.
A partner agency that works on the distribution and provides services directly to YMCAs. Also “ImageX Media”. ImageX.
A partner agency that works on the distribution and provides services directly to YMCAs. IT Care.
Layout Builder
A Drupal module that allows content editors to create visual layouts for displaying content using a drag-and-drop interface. See Layout Builder.
One of the distribution themes. “Lily offers bold banner headings and eye-catching tiles to organize child page content.” See Sandboxes.
Membership calculator
A feature of the distribution providing a wizard-style flow to assist members with choosing a membership and then funnel them into the member management system. See Membership Calculator.
Membership framework
A more complex version of the Membership calculator with advanced features leveraging Drupal Commerce. See YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny_memberships.
Officially the “Mid-Major YMCA Network”. Organization representing mid-sized YMCAs.
: A partner agency that provides development and hosting services directly to YMCAs. OneEach Technologies
Open Y
The original name of the distribution currently known as YMCA Website Services. In 2016 a group of YMCA digital, marketing, and technology experts recognized the digital opportunities that exist if we work together as a community and established Open Y. The original core team was led by a small group of YMCAs including the YMCA North, Greater Seattle and YMCA of Greater Houston.
A Drupal data structure that allows content editors to create sections of content on a page using preset groups of fields. See Paragraphs on and Paragraphs in the distribution.
A service provider that offers member management systems and more. Integrates with a number of features of the distribution. Personify.
One of the distribution themes. Rose offers sprawling site menu options and high accessibility for blind and low-vision users. See Sandboxes.
A set of example sites for evaluating and testing the distribution. See Sandboxes.
Small Y:
YMCAs that have only a single or a few branches. Represented by the “Small and Mid-Size YMCA Network”.
Single Sign-On. A feature of some member management systems that can provide integrations into the distribution.
A set of templates, styles, and code that define the presentation layer of a site. See Theming Drupal.
YMCA Canada
Y Canada
The Canadian YMCA Federation is made up of a national office and Member Associations across the country. See
YMCA North American Network
The organization representing the largest YMCA associations in the country.
YMCA of the North
Y North
Formerly YMCA of the Twin Cities. One of the founding associations of Open Y. Lovers of llamas. See
YMCA of the USA
The national resource office, supporting thousands of YMCAs, tens of thousands of staff, and hundreds of thousands of volunteers in 10,000 communities across the USA. Headquartered in Chicago. YMCA of the USA.
YMCA’s Cloud Hosting Service
An enterprise-grade platform that enables Associations (Y’s) to create, host and personalize digital experiences. A product of YMCA’s Digital Services. Formerly YCloud Hosting. See
YMCA‘s Digital Content Hub
A submodule of YMCA’s Website Service enabling content sharing across YMCA websites. Formerly known as Y Content Hub A product of YMCA’s Digital Services.
YMCA’s Digital Services
The collection of mostly open-source cloud-based services maintained in collaboration between YUSA, the movement, and agency partners. Formerly known as the YCloud Ecosystem. See
YMCA’s Mobile Experience Platform
A mobile app to engage YMCA associations’ members across the USA. A product of YMCA’s Digital Services. Formerly known as the Universal App. See
YMCA’s Virtual Experience Platform
A gated and secure digital space created to provide content, programming, and other resources to YMCA Association members. A product of YMCA’s Digital Services. Formerly known as Virtual Y. See
YMCA’s Website Service
A collection of Drupal modules, themes, configuration, and content bundled together in a “distribution” to enable digital transformation for YMCAs across the country. A product of YMCA’s Digital Services. Formerly known as Open Y. See
Last modified September 13, 2023: docs: Move fonts to how-to (6d8abc09)